
Nacton C of E Primary School

Building Firm Foundations for Life

School Meals

We are proud to have a large take-up for school meals, which are cooked and served on site. Meals cost £2.75 each day, from September 2024. All pupils in Reception (Hedgehogs Class) Year 1 and 2 (Hares Class) are entitled to free school meals under the Government’s ‘Universal Infant Free School Meals’ initiative. Please ask in the office if you would like a copy of the menu, or click on the link below.

Catering from September 2023


We are delighted that from September 2023, Aspens will be providing the catering for our school. Please find below some useful information from Aspens.

Free School Meals


If you think that your child may be entitled to Free School Meals, please click on the link below which will take you to the section of our website with further information and links to the online application. 



We encourage all children to eat and drink at break times. Children in Tiger and Lion class are provided with either a fruit or vegetable snack at morning break time. They do not need to bring in their own snack. Children in Leopard and Jaguar class may bring their own snack to school but we strongly encourage only fruit, vegetables, or plain biscuits, or healthy snacks such as houmous, popcorn or crackers which should be separate from their packed lunches. We strongly discourage sweets, crisps, chocolate, fizzy drinks or drinks with additives being eaten or consumed at playtime.
