
Nacton C of E Primary School

Building Firm Foundations for Life

Before and After School Clubs

School Clubs

After school clubs take place from 3.15pm and finish between 4 and 4.30pm


The after school clubs on offer this half term (autumn 1 2024) are:


Monday: Football club run by Mr Bilner 

Tuesday: Multi Sports run by Xtra Time

Wednesday:  Games club run by Mrs Beasley

Thursday: Lego club run by Mrs Pearce                

Friday: Gymnastics club run by Xtra Time


Please note the following:

  • Some clubs have a small charge to cover the cost of resources.
  • Our club offer changes each half term. We will do our best to ensure a range of clubs for children, not just sport clubs.
  • Teacher run clubs finish at 4pm.
  • Some clubs are for particular year groups only but we will try to ensure there is a club on offer for each year group at least once a week.
  • Some club spaces are limited. These will be assigned on a first come first served basis.  


If you would like your child to join any clubs please contact the school office.

Breakfast Club

An active breakfast club is run everyday from 8am. This is run by Premier Education and can be booked via their website. This is open to all children.
