It is important that children attend school regularly if they are to benefit from the learning opportunities provided and therefore any absence must be authorised by the school.
The school is obliged to follow the requirements laid down in The Education and Inspections Act 2006, when deciding whether to authorise absence. The Headteacher and Education Welfare Officer (EWO) have the power to issue Penalty Notices in cases of persistent unauthorised absence (in agreement with the statutory guidance ‘Parental Responsibility Measures for School Attendance and Behaviour 2013).
Leave for medical or dental appointments, or other allowed reasons, may be given on request by the parent or carer in writing; forms are available from the office. Carers are encouraged to make appointments outside school hours, where practicable.
If a child is absent from school through ill-health parents should, on the first day of absence, contact the school before 9.00 am by phone. To ensure the safety of pupils the school will telephone the home if no notification is received by 9.30.
Please refer to our Attendance policy, Medical policy and also the Attendance Guidelines from our Multi Academy Trust.