
Nacton C of E Primary School

Building Firm Foundations for Life

Home Learning

Homework is set on a Wednesday and due in the following Wednesday. You are expected to spend a minimum of 30 minutes on their homework. Occasionally, you may be given personalised homework tasks if appropriate.

Current homework - due in Wednesday 17th May


 As this week is SATs week and we will be away on our residential trip at the start of next week, there is no homework this week. 

Previous homework - due in Wednesday 10th May

Previous homework - due in Wednesday 3rd May

Previous homework - due in Wednesday 26th April

Current homework - Astronaut Presentation - due in Monday 27th March

This week the details of your homework are in Google Classroom. The task is to carry out research on an astronaut of your choice, excluding Neil Armstrong as we have already learnt about him, and create a presentation using Google Slides. The focus this time is on images and note making: your presentation will have very little writing and you will use your notes to help you talk to the audience. 


I'm looking forward to hearing your wonderful presentations. Good luck!

Previous Homework - Arithmetic - due in Wednesday 8th March


Please complete the arithmetic booklet; do as much as you can in 30 mins. I've added notes to help you.

Previous homework - reading comprehension - due in Wednesday 1st March

Previous Homework - Space Project - due in Wednesday 8th February

Previous Homework - Arithmetic - Due in Wednesday 25th 

I have annotated the homework to give reminders and help you. Please don't try to do all the questions in your head. Some require a written method. 

Previous Homework - Space Travel - due in Wednesday 11th January

Previous Homework - Tessellating Christmas Tree Art - due in Wednesday 14th December

Previous Homework - Presentations on Endangered Animals - due in Wednesday 7th December


This week's homework involves preparing a presentation using Google Slides in Google Classroom. The letter is a step-by-step guide of how to access Google Classroom. I have been through this with the children. Below are several websites you may find helpful; the links are also in Google Classroom. (There may be some teething issues so please bear with me!) The last PDF shows you what you need on each slide.

Previous Homework - Arithmetic Practice - due in Wednesday 23rd November


This week, you have been given an arithmetic booklet in which to practise working at speed using mental methods, jottings or written methods. I have annotated the booklets to give you some help and remind you which methods you could use. There may be some questions you are unsure of; this is fine as we haven't covered the whole curriculum yet. Do what you can in 30 minutes. (Year 5, you have 1a and 1b in one booklet. If you whizz 1a, have a go at 1b.)

Here are some videos to help you with some of the arithmetic questions.

Previous Homework - Poetry Competition - Due in Wednesday 16th November

Previous Homework - reading comprehension - due in Wednesday 9th November

Previous homework - global issues project work - due in Wednesday 19th October

Previous Homework - English - Improving Sentences - due in Wednesday 28th September
