
Nacton C of E Primary School

Building Firm Foundations for Life

Religious Education

RE Knowledge Gems

In each RE enquiry we build on our knowledge though our gems centred around; THEOLOGY, SOCIOLOGY and PHILOSOPHY. The knowledge gems are the key things we learn and try to remember. We apply our learning using our previous RE knowledge and skills.

I am a theologian because I understand where beliefs come from and how they relate to each other. I study religious texts and stories.

Theology in RE involves enquiry into:

I am a sociologist because I explore the diverse ways in which people come together to practise their beliefs.

Sociology in RE involves exploration of:

I am a philosopher because I because I think critically about religion and belief.

Philosophy in RE involves exploration of:

Key beliefs / concepts of a religion or worldview, both distinctive and shared

Sources of authority for religious beliefs e.g. sacred texts, religious leaders, divine revelation

Particular beliefs about God, humanity, life, and the nature of an after-life

Differences in interpretation of key beliefs and changes in religious belief across time / culture

Different customs, celebrations and rituals based on religious and secular beliefs

The influence of sacred texts and religious leaders on communities

Diverse interpretations of religious practices in different societies locally and globally, and at different times

Moral, ethical and practical lifestyle choices based on secular or religious worldviews

Ultimate questions of truth, morality, purpose and meaning in life

Questions arising from religious and secular standpoints, texts or customs

Conflicting answers offered by religious and non-religious groups and individuals

Changes in questions / answers over time and across societies


