
Nacton C of E Primary School

Building Firm Foundations for Life

Collective Worship

Collective Worship


Collective worship is held daily with all children coming together as a school community in our school hall, except for the Key Stage collective worship on a Thursday. Collective worship is carefully planned by school staff and led by our Collective Worship Team. Our collective worship is designed to be inclusive and inviting to people of Christian faith, other faiths and no faith. 


Our collective worship consists of 4 stages:


We welcome our school community with a liturgical greeting and the gathering of our class candles. 


We have the main input of the worship. This may be a bible story, story, film clip, piece of art, drama etc. 


This is an opportunity for reflection on the input. This may be through prayer, quiet reflection, discussion or an activity.


The close of our collective worship. This may be through a final message, song, prayer, music, liturgy. 

Collective Worship Policy

Arrangements for the act of collective worship are made by the school in accordance with the requirements of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998, as amended. Parents and carers may, if they so wish, withdraw their children from the arrangements for collective worship or religious education. Such requests should be made to the head teacher in writing. Pupils withdrawn from collective worship or religious education will normally remain in a classroom and prepare for the day’s activities under the supervision of a teacher.
