At Nacton C of E primary school, our aim is for children to be resilient, confident mathematicians who have enjoyment and enthusiasm for maths. Children will recall knowledge fluently, reason mathematically and solve problems. Children will build their mathematical knowledge from their prior learning through a clear progression of knowledge and skills. They will be able to articulate their knowledge using a range of mathematical vocabulary. We aim for children to have the mathematical skills to tackle problems in everyday life and apply them to real-life scenarios.
At Nacton, we have a mastery approach to maths and use the White Rose mixed aged planning, which breaks each unit down into small steps. We follow a progression of skills, ensuring the prior learning is built on. When the children are learning, they follow a concrete, pictorial, abstract structure to ensure that maths knowledge is understood. They have the opportunity to deepen their understanding through reasoning and problem-solving questions, including the use of ‘masters glasses’ where they have the opportunity to explain their learning in sentences. Each day, prior knowledge is recalled through information retrieval. A range of manipulatives, written methods and stem sentences are used to help support learning. TimesTable Rockstars is used for the children to both learn and recall times tables. We use NumberStacks as an intervention tool to ensure that the children stay on-track.
By the end of their time at Nacton, we aim for the children to: