
Nacton C of E Primary School

Building Firm Foundations for Life

Home Learning

Home Learning in Lions

To support your child at home with their learning, we would like them to do the following activities each week:

  • Read 4 times week- Use their Little Wandle Book (e-book), reading for pleasure book, other books or texts you may have at home that your child enjoys.
  • Complete at least 10 minutes on Numbots to practice and memorise number bonds.  Year 2 children will also have access to TT Rockstars to begin learning 2x, 5x and 10x tables.
  • Practice phonics sounds, words, sentences and tricky words from Little Wandle Home Learning Sheets.  There is a separate weekly sheet for Year 1 and Year 2
  • From Spring term, Year 2 will also have spellings selected from their home learning sheets to be tested on each Friday.

Weekly Reading

Weekly Maths Practice
