
Nacton C of E Primary School

Building Firm Foundations for Life


Our Curriculum Ethos:

An ambitious curriculum is the key to transforming children’s lives and developing them into lifelong learners.  Fostering children’s curiosity will give them a desire to learn that both enriches them and equips them with the skills, values, and attitudes needed to find their place in modern Britain and the wider world.  Children acquire deep and meaningful knowledge and explore a broad range of skills to apply their knowledge, thus preparing them for life beyond school.  Children’s learning is driven by high expectations so that they can succeed academically.  However, the curriculum is also our most important tool in developing children more broadly, supporting their creative and sporting aspirations and enabling children to grow up spiritually in the context of our strong Christian culture.  Activities are designed to build confidence and self-esteem, which in turn will support children’s mental health and wellbeing. 

Educational visits

Every child has the chance to participate in a range of educational visits during the year. These visits and visitors are closely linked to the curriculum and parents are asked to sign and return a permission slip for all activities taking place off the school premises. Educational visits and visitors are designed to further enrich our curriculum and 'bring it to life'. A longer residential visit is organised for pupils in Years 5 and 6.

For some activities, including school visits, we may have to ask parents for a voluntary contribution towards the cost. It is our policy not to exclude any pupil from such activities for financial reasons. We reserve the right to cancel certain activities if costs are unlikely to be covered.


As part of their PE lessons, pupils in Key Stage 2 (Years 3–6) have swimming lessons at Fore Street Baths, Ipswich. The school is proud of its achievement in ensuring that the majority of pupils are able to swim by the time they leave.

School Clubs

We offer a range of after school clubs over the year. In the past these have included: art, coding, football, gymnastics, multi-sports, archery and athletics.

Clubs take place from 3.15pm to 4.30pm. 


Remote Learning Offer

Please see the below document outlining our remote learning offer in the event of school or class closures. 

Any information on the website can be provided to parents/carers in paper format, for free, if requested.
