
Nacton C of E Primary School

Building Firm Foundations for Life

About Us

Nacton Church of England Primary School is situated in Nacton Village to the south of the A14 between Ipswich and Levington. On the 1st July 2016 we joined the St Edmundsbury and Ipswich Diocesan Multi Academy Trust. Please click on the link below to visit their website:

Mission Statement

At Nacton we aim to:

  • Provide high quality teaching within a broad and balanced curriculum.
  • Support children towards reaching their academic, emotional and physical potential.
  • Encourage an understanding of the meaning and significance of faith and beliefs, and promote Christian values through the experience offered to all pupils.
  • Develop in each child an enquiring mind and promote a love of learning.
  • Offer a rich variety of opportunities and experiences for children to enjoy their childhood, extending their creative and social abilities.
  • Provide a secure, caring and stimulating environment.
  • Promote a respect for others and the wider environment.
  • Encourage each child to make a continuing contribution to their community.
  • Work in partnership with the parents and carers of our pupils.


Accommodation and facilities

The school is Edwardian in design, with four main classrooms, incorporating a modern extension to the rear, completed with community support in 2002, a further wing added in 2007, and a new school hall, library and cookery room completed in 2008.

Attractive play areas at the rear of the school are surrounded by trees, and are well-equipped for play by children of all ages. The garden area at the front of the school has a pond that also serves as a focus for studies of the local wildlife.

The school has its own kitchen for school meals, which are prepared by our cook using locally grown organic vegetables.


Class organisation for learning

The school is organised into four mixed-ability classes: Early Years Foundation (Tigers); Years 1–2 (Lions); Years 3–4 (Leopards); and Years 5–6 (Jaguars). The classes are staffed by teachers and teaching assistants with children working in various groupings according to the task. Teaching methods include whole class, group and individual tuition according to the needs of the curriculum and the child.

The published admission number (PAN) is 14 pupils each year.


School terms

The school follows the traditional pattern of three terms per year with half-term breaks.

